Monday, August 24, 2009

Ek al hoe meer oor die programme soos CSI begin dink...

Die seksualisering van geweld, ek dink nog steeds daar oor maar ek lees op die oomblik n Erich Fromm boek en op dieselfde tyd lees ek ook OOR Fromm, interessante ou... ek kom toe af op sy idees oor "necrophilia"

"I believe that man, with the regressive answer, tries to find unity, liberating himself from the unbearable fear of loneliness and uncertainty, distorting that which makes him human and torments him. The regressive orientation develops in three manifestations, separate or together: necrophilia, narcissism, and incestuous symbiosis.

By necrophilia is meant love for all that is violence and destruction; the desire to kill; the worship of force; attraction to death, to suicide, to sadism; the desire to transform the organic into the inorganic by means of „order.“ The necrophile, lacking the necessary qualities to create, in his impotence finds it easy to destroy because for him it serves only one quality: force."

Hier is n goeie oorsig...–

Nou DIT pas goed in by wat ek oor dink... ek sal dit later meer moet beskyrf... ek wonder of Fromm van Ballard geweet het of vice versa?



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